RMO-NIT Fellowship – Call for Applications
On behalf of Fokke Gerritsen of the NIT below is information on a fellowship offered jointly by the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden and the Netherlands Institute in Turkey for a two-month research stay research in Istanbul (if travel is again permitted from late 2021).
The fellowship in short:
– For a 2-month research stay at NIT in Istanbul in October and November 2021
– (r) MA, PhD and recent graduates of Dutch universities can apply
– For research related to one or more of the following topics: Critical collection-based research, History of museums and collecting, The position of (archaeological, historical or art-historical) museums in contemporary society, Exhibition and collection strategies, Curatorial practice, Visitor experience and interaction.
The deadline for applications is June 15, 2021. More details on fellowship, eligibility and application can be found in the attached document and at fellowship / rmo-nit-fellowship- 2021 .

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