
Newsletter June 2022
Dear members of Teiresias, The end of the academic year is fast approaching! Just a little while longer and that thesis or large research paper will be done! Whether you will be celebrating with friends and family in Utrecht or anywhere else in the Netherlands or abroad, we want to let you know that we…
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Newsletter April 2022
Dear members of Teiresias, It is officially Spring! And although we were treated to some unexpected snow last week, we are confident better and sunnier days are on their way! Do not forget to take a break from your thesis or coursework to enjoy one of many varieties of chocolate Easter eggs or a slice…
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Thesis Get-Togethers 2022
Writing an RMA thesis can feel like climbing a mountain, so why do it alone? Teiresias’ Education Committee is organising a series of get-togethers for you. Whether you want to write in silence, discuss an issue, read, or listen, come join!
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Newsletter March 2022
Dear members of Teiresias, As we are approaching the Ides of March, we hope instead of trying to rid yourself of backstabbing friends as Julius Caesar had to in March 44 BCE, you are getting ready to enjoy the Dutch spring. Take a moment to enjoy a coffee in the sun in one of the…
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Newsletter February
Dear members of Teiresias, Whether you are starting some exciting new courses or embarking on your thesis adventure, we hope you have had a good start to this year’s second semester and wish you the best of luck. Having said that, do not forget to sometimes close those 500 tabs on your browser and put…
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New Discoveries Seminar: Prof. Patrick J. Geary
This Thursday, February 10th at 16:00 a new New Discoveries Seminar will take place. Prof. Patrick J. Geary will speak to us about “HistoGenes: Triangulating Early Medieval Populations in the Carpathian Basin through Genomic, Archaeological, and Historical Models.” For more information and to subscribe for this lecture and the other seminars you can visit the…
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Monthly Drinks are back again!
Dear Teiresians, Since the Covid restrictions have once again been lifted, the monthly drinks can reconvene again! Like always, these will take place at Cafe de Stadsgenoot on the first Thursday of the month. However, due to renovations happening at Cafe de Stadsgenoot in February, we are rescheduling the monthly drinks of February to February…
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Teiresias Trip 2022
This is the moment we have been waiting for, for over 2 years! Teiresias is finally able to go on study trip again. We are going to Catania from April 20-24 and we would like you all to join! We will be seeing amazing ancient sites, have memorable excursions (locations still classified) and enjoy the…
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Newsletter January 2022
Dear members of Teiresias, We hope you have all had a wonderful break and/or Christmas and a good start to 2022 despite the various Covid-19 restrictions announced by the Dutch government on 18 December. We know the past year has been challenging for many of you and thus we would like to take this opportunity…
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Newsletter December 2021
Dear members of Teiresias, The end of 2021 is fast approaching and we could not be more excited to blast Frank Sinatra’s Let It Snow over the speakers whilst finishing our last assignments. Whether you are celebrating Christmas or just looking to profit off of Boxing Day’s discounted chocolate, we would like to take this opportunity to…
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