Newsletter December 2021
Dear members of Teiresias,
The end of 2021 is fast approaching and we could not be more excited to blast Frank Sinatra’s Let It Snow over the speakers whilst finishing our last assignments. Whether you are celebrating Christmas or just looking to profit off of Boxing Day’s discounted chocolate, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you the happiest of holidays! Do not forget to have some well deserved rest this December. For now, we would like to update you on the upcoming Teiresias activities.
General Assembly on Tuesday, 14 December from 17:00 (Online)
Firstly, coming Tuesday 14 December from 17:00 Teiresias will organise their first General Assembly of this academic year. We would like to welcome all Teiresias committee members and regular members to join this assembly through our general MS Teams ( This is your chance to make your voice be heard!
Visit to Emperor Domitian RMO Exhibit on Thursday, 13 January
Secondly, Teiresias’ Education Committee would like you to join them for some ‘imperial’ fun! Together with our expert Dr. Saskia Stevens they will be organising a trip to the ‘Emperor Domitian’ exhibition at the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO) in Leiden on Thursday the 13th of January (a timeslot will be determined soon). The exhibition tells the story of the turbulent life of Domitian, his empress and his illustrious predecessors, and will feature art objects from numerous museums around the world. If you would like to join, please send a RSVP to: Do remember; in line with government policy you will have to provide the RMO with a QR-code (either via the CoronaCheck-app or on paper) to prove that you have been vaccinated, you have had Covid or that you have recently tested negative for Covid.

Teiresias’ Annual Trip: Good Wine?!
Thirdly, behind the scenes Teiresias’ Travel Committee is preparing for our annual trip! Although they cannot share too much with you, every Saturday they will be giving you a clue to the destination on Teiresias’ Instagram, so keep your eyes peeled! Last Saturday we got our first hint:

And with that we would like to end our last newsletter of 2021. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our General Assembly and/or any of the Teiresias’ events in 2022!
Valete on behalf of the board,
Imke Vet
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