Studievereniging Teiresias


Newsletter May 2022

Dear members of Teiresias, 

The sun has finally decided to show its face in the Netherlands! And with these warmer temperatures and the many Dutch feast days during this time of the year, we are sure lots of you will be enjoying yourselves at one of the lovely Utrechtse ‘terrasjes’ or parks. However, this time during the academic year can also be filled with a lot of stress and anxiety for those writing their thesis or working on a large research paper. To all of you still struggling; it’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back, but we know you will get there in the end! Best of luck, and do not forget to take a break from time to time! For now, we would like to update you on the upcoming Teiresias activities.  

Looking back: Catania, Sicily Trip (20-24 April)

Firstly, we would like to thank all students who joined our Travel Committee to Catania, Sicily from 20 to 24 April! It was a wonderful study trip focused on discovering the history of the beautiful island, but also with lots of opportunity to enjoy some Aperol Spritz and Sicilian Amaro! Thank you to Anouk, Iris, Corine, Bram and Lorenzo for the organisation! 

Looking back: Interklassiek Symposium (6 May)

Secondly, we would like to thank all students from Teiresias, Sophia Aeterna (Leiden), Collegium Classicum (Leiden), Sodalicium Classicum Noviomagense (Nijmegen), Laverna (Amsterdam) and Boreas (Groningen) who joined the Interklassiek Symposium last Friday! We enjoyed some very interesting lectures on a variety of topics related to the ‘Familia Antiqua’ by Dr. Janric van Rookhuijzen, dr. Liesbeth Claes, prof.dr. André Lardinois and dr. Rodie Risselada.  

Drinks at Café de Stadsgenoot on Thursday 12 May from 20:00 

Thirdly, we would like to invite you to our monthly drinks at Café de Stadsgenoot on Thursday, May 12 from 20:00. As the second semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest is due to be broadcasted on this night, we have arranged for screens to watch it at de Stadsgenoot! We are looking forward to seeing you there! 

Thesis Writing Sessions April, May and June

Fourthly, those of you working on your thesis know that the process can feel like climbing a mountain. So why do it alone? Teiresias’ Education Committee is organising a series of get-togethers for all of you. Whether you want to write in silence, discuss an article or issue, read, or listen, come join! Thesis Writing Sessions will take place between 13:15 and 18:00 on 25 May and 8 June (Science Park, Bucheliuszaal).  


Sint-Maarten Festival on 3 and 4 July 2022 (Dutch only) 

Ter gelegenheid van het 900-jarig bestaan van de stad Utrecht organiseert de Universiteit Utrecht een festival rond het zomerfeest van Sint-Maarten op 3 en 4 juli 2022. Dit feest is bij het grote publiek minder bekend dan 11 november maar werd in de middeleeuwen uitbundig gevierd om de band tussen de stedelijke gemeenschap en de schutspatroon te markeren. Met als thema ‘Het wonder van Sint-Maarten – de gelukkige stad’ stelt het festival deze zomer de betekenis van Sint-Maarten voor de inwoners van Utrecht centraal, in de Middeleeuwen en nu. Initiatiefnemer is Sint-Maarten-kenner prof. dr. Els Rose. Het programma omvat middeleeuwse en nieuwe  muziek uitgevoerd door het Gregoriaans Koor Utrecht en door Utrechtse basisschoolleerlingen, een tentoonstelling in de Domkerk (10 juni t/m 11 augustus), gemaakt door o.a. door RMA Insular/Medieval Studies-studenten Hanna Muller en Jackie Burema, een symposium en een documentaire. Meer informatie en programma in de UU-agenda en op de festivalsite:

Reminder Payment Annual Teiresias Membership Fee

Moreover, we would like to kindly remind you to pay the Teiresias’ Membership Fee for the 2021-2022 academic year. Fees can be paid by transferring €12,50 to NL94 INGB 0008 3645 78 in the name of Studievereniging Oudheid Teiresias, listing your name in the Omschrijving/Description-field. 

Teiresias’ Board 2022-2023

Lastly, we would like to remind you of the fact that we are currently looking for enthusiastic students be part of the Teiresias’ Board for the upcoming academic year 2022-2023! Are you interested? Please send us an email or come talk to our current Board Members Anne, Tim and Imke on 12 May! For more information on the various different positions within the board check Teiresias’ Instagram. 

And with that we would like to conclude our May Newsletter! We are looking forward to hopefully seeing many of you soon at one of the Teiresias events!

 Valete on behalf of the board, 

Imke Vet 


Teiresias Studievereniging Oudheid
Drift 6 (postvak) 
3512 BS Utrecht
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