Newsletter October 2021
Dear members of Teiresias,
Welcome back to Utrecht to all of you, and a special welcome to our newest members! We hope you have had an enjoyable start to the academic year. We are thrilled to be able to organise many a fun and educational (offline) event for you this year!
New Board 2021-2022
Firstly, unfortunately we have had to say goodbye to the board of the 2020-2021 academic year – our wonderful Lucy, Samantha and Thomas. We would like to extend our gratitude to them for pulling through and organising many fun events during such a difficult year. At the general assembly of members in June we – Anne Sieberichs, Tim Hertogh and Imke Vet, as shown on the photo below – were selected to serve as the board of the 2021-2022 academic year! Anne (centre) will be our President, Tim (left) will be our Treasurer and Imke (right) will be our Secretary. If you would like to know more about us, we would suggest you take a look at Teiresias’ recent posts on Instagram!

10% discount at Athenaeum Bookstore for Teiresias members
Secondly, through our partnership with Athenaeum Bookstore, we have arranged a 10% discount on all non-Dutch books for you! The discount can be claimed both when shopping online (via and when visiting their physical shops in Amsterdam or Haarlem.
New Discoveries Seminar on Thursday, October 14 at 16:00
Thirdly, we would like to draw your attention to the upcoming New Discoveries Seminar on October 14th. Dr. Kevin Salesse, founder and director of the IsoArcHDatabase, will be giving a lecture with the title: Such a Long Journey: The Migration History of an African-Born Individual Discovered in Imperial Rome. For more information and to register see:
Drinks at Café de Stadsgenoot on Thursday, October 14 at 20:00
After listening to Dr. Salesse’s interesting lecture, we hope you will also join us for some drinks and chats at Café de Stadsgenoot on the 14th! Do remember; in line with government policy you will have to provide the staff of Café de Stadsgenoot with a QR-code (either via the CoronaCheck-app or on paper) to prove that you have been vaccinated, you have had Covid or that you have recently tested negative for Covid.
OIKOS Research Master Event on Friday, October 15 13:45-17:00
Furthermore, the National Research School in Classical Studies (OIKOS) will be organising an event for Research Master students on October 15th. Not only will the event include interesting lectures by Prof. Dr. Daniëlle Slootjes (Universsity of Amsterdam) on old and new borders in the ancient world and Prof. Dr. Casper de Jonge (Leiden University) on migrant literature in the Roman Empire, but it will also be a good opportunity for some of you to get to know each other better. For more information, please consult OIKOS’ website.
Viewing of The Name of The Rose (1986) with accompanying lecture by Dr. Anna Adamska
Lastly, we would like to announce that at the end of October our Education Committee will be organising a film viewing of The Name of the Rose, the 1986 film directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, based on the famous novel of the same name by Umberto Eco (1932-2016). The viewing will be preceded by a short lecture by Dr. Anna Adamska, one of our specialists on medieval written culture. We hope to provide your with a date for this event soon, so keep an eye on our socials!
We hope you have a good October and an easy transition into the colder months! Hopefully we will see you soon at one of the aforementioned events!
Valete on behalf of the board,
Imke Vet
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