
Newsletter January 2022
Dear members of Teiresias, We hope you have all had a wonderful break and/or Christmas and a good start to 2022 despite the various Covid-19 restrictions announced by the Dutch government on 18 December. We know the past year has been challenging for many of you and thus we would like to take this opportunity…
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Newsletter December 2021
Dear members of Teiresias, The end of 2021 is fast approaching and we could not be more excited to blast Frank Sinatra’s Let It Snow over the speakers whilst finishing our last assignments. Whether you are celebrating Christmas or just looking to profit off of Boxing Day’s discounted chocolate, we would like to take this opportunity to…
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November + December Borrels cancelled due to new Covid measures
Dear Teiresians, Due to the new Covid measures, in which cafes have to close at 20:00, we have to, unfortunately, cancel the Monthly Borrels of November and December. We hope to see you at the borrels of the new year, in which we hopefully can enjoy each other’s company again. Please note that from 2022…
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Newsletter November 2021
Dear members of Teiresias, As we are slowly progressing into the colder months of the year, we hope you are making the most of the Dutch autumn. Drinking hot cocoa, reading a lot of books and taking a long walk at the Utrechtste Heuvelrug are amongst our recommendations. However, if you are looking for inspiration…
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Movie Night: The Name of the Rose with Dr. Anna Adamska
“Books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry. When we consider a book, we mustn’t ask ourselves what it says but what it means…” The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco is a classic, as is the 1986 film adaptation starring the eternal Sean Connery. A Medievalist himself, Eco…
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Newsletter October 2021
Dear members of Teiresias, Welcome back to Utrecht to all of you, and a special welcome to our newest members! We hope you have had an enjoyable start to the academic year. We are thrilled to be able to organise many a fun and educational (offline) event for you this year! New Board 2021-2022 Firstly,…
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Oikos Event for Research Master Students
Oikos is organizing an event for all first- and second years, and recently graduated RMA students of antiquity! This might be interesting for some of you to get to know each other better! The event also includes two very interesting lectures on ‘Old and new borders in the Ancient World’ and ‘Migrant Literature in the…
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New Discoveries Seminar: Masada: A Heroic Last Stand Against Rome
Op Donderdag 23 September zal een nieuwe New Discoveries Seminar plaatsvinden. Prof. Jodi Magness zal spreken over de archeologische plaats Masada, in haar lezing “Masada: A Heroic Last Stand Against Rome”. Neem ook deel aan deze interessante lezing op donderdag! Voor meer informatie, en om te abboneren op de verschillende seminars, kan je de volgende…
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From Thesis to Publication: A Lecture Series
Have you ever wondered how you could turn your master’s thesis into a publishable paper? Join our Lecture Series! In three days, experts from the world of academics and publishing will be presenting their advice on how to write your first publication. The aim is to cater specifically to our niche subjects of the Middle…
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RMO-NIT Fellowship – Call for Applications
On behalf of Fokke Gerritsen of the NIT below is information on a fellowship offered jointly by the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden and the Netherlands Institute in Turkey for a two-month research stay research in Istanbul (if travel is again permitted from late 2021). The fellowship in short: – For a 2-month research stay…
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